Aneesha Kommineni

About me

I'm an engineer turned product manager, currently training in research & design at UW. These days, I'm focused on and loving building design systems.

South Indian from Austin, TX living in Seattle, WA. I like to travel a lot (COVID-willing - 23 countries, 6 continents so far!). I play & watch tennis (pls don't mention Djokovic to me right now). And I'm on a constant mission to find a taste of home wherever I am - usually, that's tacos and horchata or dosa and filter coffee.


Senior Product Manager

Salesforce - Feb 2021 to Present: Lightning Design System and Salesforce Design System Services.

SWE Intern -> SWE 2 -> Product Manager 2

Microsoft - Summer 2016, Apr 2017 to Jan 2021: Fluent for Mac & Mobile, Design to Code Experiences, Fluent Web Design System, Office Ribbon, Office Core Experience & Accessibility


Google - Summer 2014 & 2015: Release Eng, AdWords
Apple - Fall 2015: Graphics Performance

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science

The University of Texas at Austin - August 2013 to Dec 2016

See full resume.

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